myCourses Grade Center:
Semester Wrap-up

null"" How can the myCourses Grade Center help?

The Grade Center is a powerful tool that can keep track of student grades, organize their online submissions, and even calculate their final grades for you!

Notable Features Include:

  • Columns for assignments, graded discussions, tests are automatically generated.
  • Columns for participation or previously face-to-face assessments can be added.
  • Providing grades and feedback to students is streamlined via the Needs Grading area.
  • Students can view their own grades and feedback via the My Grades tool link.

null"" What are some best practices for using the Grade Center?

If you’re using the Grade Center to calculate your final grade, there are a few important steps to take before you begin:

Step 1: Ensure that all columns needed for grading are created.
Whether it’s columns for myCourses graded assessments or manually added columns for participation or alternative assessments, having all columns available to work with is imperative.

Step 2: Use clear and consistent column naming conventions. 
Titling columns such as “Week 1 Discussion”, “Journal #1”, or “Midterm” helps to identify how individual columns correlate to the overall grade breakdown and what grade weight should be allotted.

Step 3: Determine stand-alone assignments vs. categories of assignments.
Stand-alone assessment columns can be used in their current state. (E.g., midterms, final exams, or notable projects.) The grade center’s Categories feature can be used to group related columns together and organize data. (E.g., weekly discussions or journals, quizzes, or project-milestones and drafts.) Learn more about Categories.

Step 4: Consider creating a weighted column for the final grade.
A weighted column generates a final grade based on the result of stand-alone columns and categories as well as their respective percentages.

Learn more about the Grade Center

We recognize that every course is graded differently, so we encourage you to reach out to us for individual assistance. Feel free to contact us online to book an appointment.